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The University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV

Mission Statement

The Mission of the Marriage and Family Therapy program at the University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV is to prepare ethical, effective and competent Marriage and Family Therapists who work within a systemic/relational framework.  This includes training students to be able to recognize the influence of their self-of-the-therapist in the therapeutic relationship, appropriately manage and integrate their “self” in their clinical work, and demonstrate an understanding of and an appreciation for diversity in clinical settings as they serve the community.

Our Philosophy and Diversity Statement

We believe that the social and cultural context affects all participants in therapy and training necessitating exploration and knowledge of power and discrimination. This requires faculty, staff and therapist-trainees to continually examine our values and beliefs which can perpetuate injustice. Instructors and supervisors give ongoing attention to both the personal and professional development of our students. A high value is placed on exploring how our perceptions and reactivity impact our learning environment and our service provision.

We embrace humans in their diversity. We recognize the many different circumstances of humans, including age, race, gender, sexual orientation, physical and mental abilities, education, economic status, and history of discrimination and marginalization; and varieties in cultures, ethnicities, legal and political systems, and religious and spiritual values. We welcome the wide diversity of human beliefs and values which underlie our lives.

We foster diversity both through a broad base of academic discovery and through encouraging meaningful conversations, participation and accommodation in the educational and therapeutic environments. We welcome faculty, students and clients who are reflective of our larger community. We expose ourselves to the widest possible variety of human experience. We spotlight and support understanding of larger social justice issues which affect all human relationships and interaction.

Program Goals and Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

The Master of Marriage and Family Therapy program at the University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV will:

1. Graduate ethical, effective and competent MFTs who are able to work in the field, using their knowledge to integrate research and theory into practice. 

SLO 1a) Students will demonstrate understanding of Marriage & Family Therapy.

Benchmark 1: In a given academic year, at least 85% of students who took 7551 (Graduate Seminar) achieve a B+ or higher on the Personal Applied Theory Paper assignment.

Benchmark 2: In a given academic year, at least 85% of practicum students achieve a rating of "expected" or "above expected" on the "SLO 1a" item of the Practicum Evaluation Form (PEF).

SLO 1b) Students will demonstrate proficiency in the practice of Marriage & Family Therapy in clinical settings.

Benchmark 1: In a given academic year, at least 85% of practicum students achieve a rating of "expected" or "above expected" on the PEF "SLO 1b" item..

SLO 1c) Students will demonstrate ability to utilize relevant MFT research and practices.

Benchmark 1: In a given academic year, at least 85% of practicum students achieve a rating of "expected" or "above expected" on the PEF "SLO 1c" item.

SLO 1d) Students will obtain employment in the field upon graduation.

Benchmark 1:  75% or higher employment rate for graduating MFTs within 1 year post graduation.

SLO 1e) Students will demonstrate knowledge of and adherence to the current AAMFT Code of Ethics.

Benchmark 1: In a given academic year, at least 85% of practicum students achieve a rating of "expected" or "above expected" on the PEF "SLO 1e" item.

SLO 1f) Students will demonstrate MFT professional identity.

Benchmark 1: At least 80% of the graduates who graduated a year ago refer to themselves as Marriage & Family Therapists as identified on our annual MFT Program Survey.

Benchmark 2: 85% of practicum students achieve a rating of "expected" or "above expected" on the PEF SLO 1f" item.

2. Develop students' ability to recognize the influence of their self-of-the-therapist in the therapeutic relationship and appropriately manage and integrate their self in their clinical work through MFT courses and clinical training.

SLO 2a) Students will demonstrate an integration of self-awareness and an ability to use their understanding of self of-the-therapist through MFT courses and clinical training.

Benchmark 1: In a given academic year, at least 85% of students who took 7554 (Self in the Family Lab) achieve satisfactory for the "Self-Awareness" items on the Self in the Family Lab Evaluation Form.

Benchmark 2: In a given academic year, at least 85% of practicum students achieve a rating of "expected" or "above expected" on the PEF "SLO 2a" item.

SLO 2b) Students will demonstrate ability to regulate, understand and work with own issues of reactivity through MFT courses and clinical training.

Benchmark 1: In a given academic year, at least 85% of students who took 7554 (Self in the Family Lab) achieve satisfactory for the "Differentiation and Reactivity" items on the Self in the Family Lab Evaluation Form.

Benchmark 2: In a given academic year, at least 85% of practicum students in each practicum receive a rating of "expected" or "above expected" on the PEF "SLO 2b" item.

3. Promote an understanding of and appreciation for diversity.

SLO 3a) Students will demonstrate competence in cross-cultural understanding in MFT courses and clinical training.

Benchmark 1: In a given academic year, at least 85% of practicum students in each practicum receive a rating of "expected" or "above expected" on the PEF "SLO 3a" item.

Benchmark 2: In a given academic year, at least 85% of students who took 7560 (Issues of Diversity in Family Therapy) achieve satisfactory rating for the "Cross-Cultural Understanding" item on their final paper.

SLO 3b) Students will demonstrate understanding of one's own privilege and vulnerability/oppression in a systemic/relational context through MFT courses and clinical training.

Benchmark 1: In a given academic year, at least 85% of practicum students in each practicum receive a rating of "expected" or "above expected" on the PEF "SLO 3b" item.

Benchmark 2: In a given academic year, at least 85% of students who took 7560 (Issues of Diversity in Family Therapy) achieve satisfactory rating for the "Understanding of Privilege and Vulnerability" item on their final paper.

SLO 3c) Students will show ability to work from a social justice framework.

Benchmark 1: In a given academic year, at least 85% of practicum students in each practicum receive a rating of "expected" or "above expected" on the PEF "SLO 3c" item.

Benchmark 2: In a given academic year, at least 85% of students who took 7560 (Issues of Diversity in Family Therapy) achieve satisfactory rating for the "Working from Social Justice Perspective" item on their final paper.