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The University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV

Dannielle Morrisseau

Dannielle Morrisseau's pictureDannielle Morrisseau is a Métis-Cree Nation woman from Brandon, Manitoba, located on Treaty 2 Territory. She graduated from the Human Rights program at the University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV in 2021. Morrisseau transferred to U of W from Simon Fraser University in 2017 after learning there was a Human Rights program closer to home where most of her family is from. She states that, “transferring from SFU to ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV actually revived my academic career, as suddenly I was in a program I was thoroughly passionate about, that had amazing professors who genuinely cared about not only my studies but my wellbeing as well. There were times throughout my degree that were challenging, not just mentally but physically as well, and the one piece of advice I can give students is reach out. Tell your professors if something is troubling you, if you're having a hard time whether it be in your studies or personal life, they've been through it too and know which supports to connect you with if needed.”

After completing her BA, Morrisseau worked as a Community Engagement Coordinator with the Brandon Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation, a non-profit that aims to lift up the community of Brandon, Manitoba through social advocacy, strengthening housing choices, and improving recreational and leisure amenities.

She is currently pursuing a Master of Human Rights degree at the University of Manitoba.

Reflecting on her experience at Global College, Morrisseau states, “If my Human Rights degree has taught me anything, it's to always keep your options open and pursue as many of your own interests as you can, there will always be a unique connection between what your personal interests are and human rights that can help you as you move forward in life.”